A Production Checklist for Deploying Web Services on Kubernetes

2 min readMar 29, 2023

Kubernetes has become the go-to platform for deploying and managing large-scale web services. It offers many features and capabilities that make it ideal for running web applications in production. However, deploying web services on Kubernetes can be daunting, especially if you are new to the platform.

To help you navigate the process of deploying web services on Kubernetes, we have compiled a production checklist covering the key areas you need to consider when deploying web services on Kubernetes.

  1. Application Configuration

Ensure your application configuration is stored in a Kubernetes ConfigMap or a Secret. This will make it easy to update your application configuration without rebuilding your application container.

  1. Resource Management

Kubernetes allows you to allocate resources to your application pods, such as CPU and memory. Ensure you give enough resources to your application pods to avoid performance issues.

  1. Liveness and Readiness Probes

Liveness and readiness probes are used to check the health of your application pods. Ensure you have configured these probes correctly to ensure Kubernetes can detect and replace unhealthy pods.

  1. Scaling

Kubernetes makes it easy to scale your application horizontally by adding more pods. Ensure you have configured your autoscaling policies correctly to ensure your application can handle traffic spikes.

  1. Logging and Monitoring

Ensure that you have configured logging and monitoring for your application pods. This will allow you to detect and diagnose issues quickly.

  1. High Availability

Kubernetes allows you to deploy your application pods across multiple nodes to ensure high availability. Ensure you have configured your deployment to use various replicas to ensure your application is always available.

  1. Security

Ensure that you have configured security measures such as SSL/TLS encryption, network policies, and pod security policies to ensure your application is secure.

  1. Backup and Disaster Recovery

Ensure that you have a backup and disaster recovery plan in place. This will ensure you can recover from any data loss or system failures.

In conclusion, deploying web services on Kubernetes requires careful planning and attention to detail. Following this production checklist ensures that your web services are deployed correctly and can handle production demands. Furthermore, as you gain more experience with Kubernetes, you can refine your deployment process and optimize your application for performance and scalability. For more information follow this checklist: https://srcco.de/posts/web-service-on-kubernetes-production-checklist-2019.html

